Ian Ruhter's artwork takes the wet plate collodian process (a photographic technique developed in the 1850s) to another level. He spent his life savings transforming a delivery truck into a massive camera and, using the collodian process, is able to capture images onto large coated and sensitized plates. He develops them on the spot as there are only about 15 minutes before the plate dries.
Below are some beautiful images from his Foursquare Wet Cellodian Project, with a spectrum of landscapes, skateboarders and snowboarders, and an awesome video below for a much clearer explanation of his process, as well as some real inspiration.
- click on images to enlarge -
All images by photographer Ian Ruhter
Here is the beautiful short Silver and Light by photographer Ian Ruhter.
Ian is driving his truck / camera on wheels across the States. See more of Ian's work here or get in touch through Ian's Facebook page to get involved.
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